Where's Skyler?

Our little angel baby has turned into a screaming, whining, tantrum-throwing little 'monster' almost overnight. Esmond and I woke up one morning and wondered, "where did our Skyler go?"
Our once, sociable and easy-going baby is now a still sociable, but more clingy and fussy toddler. She decided 2 weeks ago that she didn't want to eat anything except soup and biscuits. And, NOTHING could make her eat what she didn't want to eat - she shakes head and says "No need!". Sigh.
I've now become Mrs "NO" with my daily vocabulary comprising of the following:
"Stop it!"
"Take your hands away!"
"Don't touch!"
"Pick it up!"
"Put it back. Now!"
"If you do it again, you're going to have to face the wall...again!"
Es and I thought that we were prepared for the "terrible twos" but we didn't think it'd happen this soon :(
Someone P-L-E-A-S-E tell us that this is just a phase!
... just a phase, hang in there, its the first of many but if you can make it through this one you have a good chance of succeeding in the rest!
Yes it's just a phase. Just get more words in her vocabulary so instead of simply saying "No" which can get boring after awhile...she can use other words to defy you in.
It is JUST a phase. So they say!!
btw eh you make her face the wall? huh...? so serious one ah. but she's so young!
you teach em young, they learn better..
So Cheryl, take some notes from the Wee's! Good Parenting 101.
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