
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Three Musketeers

These three have been meeting almost regularly at our weekly playgroup and in church since they were infants. They're three months apart each (Jordan, Ethan and Skyler, in that order) and it's great to see how each of them have grown.

I just had to share these pictures with you. Too cute!

(Oct'07: 8-month old Jordan on the far left, 5-month old Ethan in the middle and tiny 2-month old Skyler, far right)

(April'08: Skyler & Ethan at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden)

(Jan'09: Family Night!)

(Feb'09: Jordan, Skyler & Ethan at VivoCity)


Friday, April 03, 2009

I've been feeling crafty lately...

and indulged in making headbands for our Little Miss Wee and 2 sweet babies, Michaela & Mikayla. Whenever things get a little stressful (what with work, babysitting, housework and chef duties), my crafty fingers start itching, so making these offered me some much needed relief!

(I didn't get a picture of Michaela wearing this one cos she fell asleep during our visit!)

(and a matching one for my niece, Mikayla)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sophie, I miss you!

This post is long overdue and our tribute to great friends, Ailing, James & Sophie Grace Lim. The Lims are currently in New Zealand for a spell and Skyler misses them a lot!

Ailing: Skyler still says, "Aunty Ailing's house" whenever we pass by Holland Village.
Sophie: Whenever I get Skyler to put on the Clarks sandals you passed down to her, she'll say, "Sophie's shoes".

Here's a video I put together (do forgive the amateurish-ness) in celebration of our SophSky!

Lots of love,
Sue, Es & Skyler Erin Wee

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

C is for...Chicken wing!

Alas, Skyler has discovered the joys of devouring a chicken wing! I gave her one of the wings I was having for lunch and she ate it like a pro - I could tell that Esmond was torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to tear his hair out in frustration. Hahah.

This goes to show, once again, that Skyler may be Esmond's clone on the outside, but on the inside, she's all me!