Where's Skyler?

Our little angel baby has turned into a screaming, whining, tantrum-throwing little 'monster' almost overnight. Esmond and I woke up one morning and wondered, "where did our Skyler go?"
Our once, sociable and easy-going baby is now a still sociable, but more clingy and fussy toddler. She decided 2 weeks ago that she didn't want to eat anything except soup and biscuits. And, NOTHING could make her eat what she didn't want to eat - she shakes head and says "No need!". Sigh.
I've now become Mrs "NO" with my daily vocabulary comprising of the following:
"Stop it!"
"Take your hands away!"
"Don't touch!"
"Pick it up!"
"Put it back. Now!"
"If you do it again, you're going to have to face the wall...again!"
Es and I thought that we were prepared for the "terrible twos" but we didn't think it'd happen this soon :(
Someone P-L-E-A-S-E tell us that this is just a phase!